We have groups for many interests.
at Local Churches This is annual series about Contemporary Social Issues
This year's Topics are: "The Opioid Crisis Today""Walking Alongside the Unhoused""Helping our immigrant and Refugee Neighbors""Gun Violence is a Public Health Crisis"
We hope you'll join us! Contact Pastor Emily Here for more information.
Join us, the second Tuesday of each month @ 6:30p,as we discuss race and the Church
Contact Cathay Snyder, csnyder(at)mechpresby(dot)org
Join us for a group conversation about how we will develop a framework for sustaining a grief support group at MPC! Please contact Ran Singiser or Pastor Emily Sutphin for more information
4th Thursday - 7 PM Various EstablishmentsJoin us for some lively conversations, libations, and lots of laughter---and maybe a little trivia! It's always a great time of fellowship with MPC members & Friends!Questions: Contact Cathay Snyder, csnyder@mechpresby.org
Please Join Us for Breakfast & Fellowship A social fellowship group!We meet on the first Monday of the month at 9 AM.Brother's Restaurant
705 Gettysburg Pike' Mechanicsburg
Email Rick Boyer rickboyer13(@)gmail.com for more information or to be added to get an Email reminder list.
1st Saturday - 10 AM - NoonDenim Coffee at 6 W Main Street MechanicsburgJoin me for some coffee and fellowship with MPC members & Friends!Questions: Contact Pastor Emily, esutphin(@)mechpresby.org
Please Join Us A social fellowship group!
Discussion of books written by womenWe meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7 PMPresbyterian Women's Conference Room
Email Cathay Snyder, csnyder(at)gmail.com
Contact the communications team at communications@mechpresby.org
Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church300 East Simpson Street | Mechanicsburg, PA 17055717-697-0351