
Adult ministry

We have Sunday School Classes, Bible Studies, and Fellowship Opportunities.

PASTOR's Bible study

Thursdays, 12 – 1 PM and will start up again on          October 6, 2022 in the Conference Room 

Join Pastor Kathryn for lunch (BYO) and some Bible study.  We spend the hour discussing the sermon/Scripture from the previous Sunday and the Scripture for the next Sunday.  Check the Cornerstone & bulletin for any changes in the schedule.

Word & Wine

Third Thursdays, 7 PM
via Zoom (currently)

Contact Mary Speedy for link (mspeedy(at)comcast(dot)net)

Race and the church

2nd Tuesdays Each Month 6:30 PM

Join Our Race & the Church class is part Bible study, part book study, and part planning and action, as we live out our calling to be a Matthew 25 church.

Questions email Cathay

Sunday School Classes

Sunday School classes meet from 9:35-10:35 am, September-May.  For more information on these classes  contact Cathay Snyder, Christian Education Director, or 717-671-0351.

Joyful Hearts

Joyful Hearts meets in the Conference Room and is facilitated by Joyce Lackey. Members of Joyful Hearts are adult women who participate in intimate Bible study through open discussions, fellowship, and praying for, and with, one another. For 2022-23, the class plans to study Revelation, using Margaret Feinberg's Revelation: Extravagant Hope as well as other resources.   

Dave Petko Class

Dave Petko Class meets in the Library and is facilitated by various members of the class. Named in memory of long-time class member and facilitator, this class involves concentrating and studying a book in the Bible and includes class discussions and insights on culture, geography, social aspects and historical data using various bible translations and reference guides. Come to just listen or to share your thoughts as members of this class journey through the books of the Bible. The class plans to study Haggai, Lamentations, Zechariah, and Zephaniah this fall (2022). 

The Thoughtful Christian  

The Thoughtful Christian meets in Upper Fellowship Hall and is facilitated by church staff, members, or guest speakers.  A wide range of topics, e.g., current events and issues, biblical and theological, social justices, etc.,  are explored through short-term studies, book & film discussions, guest speakers, as we seek to challenge ourselves in our faith.  The various programs offered are listed in the Sunday Bulletin and the Cornerstone (church newsletter).  



 Interested in church membership?  The New Member Classes are held periodically immediately after worship in the Conference Room. Please speak with one of the pastors or call the office (717-697-0351) for more information.

Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church
300 East Simpson Street | Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
