The following organizations are designated by the Mission Committee as beneficiaries of MPC mission giving.
Click on the organization name to find more information.

Christian Churches United of the Tri-County Area
CCU - Volunteer Opportunities
Christian Churches United of the Tri-County Area is a partnership of over 100 Christian congregations in Dauphin, Cumberland and Perry Counties is a 501(c)3 non-profit social service agency founded as a collaboration of area churches to help those facing homelessness, poverty and incarceration.
HELP ministries - Offers a continuum of crisis management and homeless solutions: from homelessness prevention to short-term aid to long-term solutions, as well as other crisis assistance.
Susquehanna Harbor Safe Haven - offers support and stable housing to men who were chronically homeless.
Compassion Action Network - brings together local human services agencies, grassroots groups, and government agencies to work more effectively to support our neighbors on the streets in Dauphin County.
Winter Overnight Shelters - Offers two winter walk-in shelters to increase our community's shelter capacity for the winter.
Prison Action Committee - Supports staff and volunteer pastoral care for inmates at Dauphin County Prison, training for churches and individuals wanting to support returning citizens, and supports community re-entry initiatives.
Project A.S.K. - Provide dignity and basic need support to students in the West Shore School District, in partnership with the school district.
Riverboat Worship Services - Most Sundays over the summer you can worship with us on the Pride of the Susquehanna Riverboat, leaving at 10am from City Island in Harrisburg. Worship is typically led by a different local pastor, church or group each week. The cruise starts at 10:00am and lasts about an hour. There is no cost to board but seating is limited.
CCU - Volunteer Opportunities

Winter Overnight Shelters
On cold winter nights, everyone needs a warm place to sleep. Therefore, Christian Churches United, in partnership with local churches, opens two winter walk-in shelters to increase our community's shelter capacity for the winter. These shelters typically are open each evening from December 1 through March 31. There are no program requirements for entry beyond being quiet and non-disruptive, and agreeing to abide by CDC guidelines due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently masks are not required however are recommended and available for all staff, guests, and volunteers.
Women's Shelter
Susquehanna Harbor Safe Haven - Mens's Shelter

Susquehanna Harbor Safe Haven
Susquehanna Harbor Safe Haven (SHSH) offers long-term housing within a supportive community for up 25 formerly homeless men in Dauphin County. The program was designed to help chronically homeless men—those living on the street for a year or more—who are also dealing with mental illness to get off the street.
Once in a safe, stable environment, they work on goals related to income, employment, life skills, physical and mental health, and in many cases, addiction. New residents live in dormitory style housing. Upon achievement of specific goals related to income and stability, they become eligible for one of ten private rooms. Over time, it is our goal to help men, when able, to move to their own apartment or other permanent housing, though there is no time limit on residence at SHSH.

Alder Health Services
Alder Health Services improves the health and well-being of individuals living with HIV/AIDS and members of the LGBTQ+ communities in South Central Pennsylvania by providing an inclusive and affirming environment that empowers the people we serve.

Allison Hill Backpacks
School Supply Drive for families of Allison Hill Community Ministry (formerly Rock Church) Your donations of backpacks and school supplies are assembled and delivered to benefit 35 families of Allison Hill so their children can have a successful year.
Deacons Backpack Ministry
Carlisle Truckstop Ministry, Inc.
a ministry of the Pennsylvania Council of Churches that serves
thousands of truckers who use I-81 and the PA turnpike and stop at truck
stops at the interchange of these two roads in Carlisle.

Church World Services Afghan Refugees
Since 1946, CWS has been a faith-based organization that deeply believes there is enough in this world for everyone. They form local partnerships to ensure people everywhere have healthy food, clean water, a safe place to call home and the ability to fulfill their purpose. They work through grassroots initiatives, inspiring the compassion of thousands of individuals and organizations, and through sustainable development projects, emergency response activities, advocacy initiatives and refugee support services, they transform lives in underserved communities in over 65 countries across the globe. MPC is currently working with the CWS office in Harrisburg, helping relocate Afghan refugees to our area.

Church World Services Blankets
When difficult times happen, a kind and loving response can make all the difference. That’s why the CWS Blankets program was created—to give a kind, loving and tangible response to someone facing a difficult time, reminding them that they are not alone.
Through the generosity of CWS partner organizations, congregations and individual supporters, our most vulnerable neighbors around the world can feel safe and keep warm with fresh linens and clean sleeping quarters.
When our neighbors are in need, even $10 for a single blanket goes a long way.
Presbyterian Women Blanket Offering

quality gently used clothing at an affordable price for individuals and
families. They also serve the community by creating good paying jobs
and provide onsite training and coaching for their employees. They improve the quality of life for individuals and families in our
community by providing clothing and cash grants directly to the
partnerships formed by churches and nonprofit charitable organizations. MPC
has a Virtual Partnership Agreement with Community Aid. The donation
center closest to the church is at: 4833 Carlise Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
17050. Hours for drive-up donation are 9AM to 6PM Monday through
Saturday. Please include with your clothing donation a request to
credit your donation to Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church Virtual Partnership #10372.
ANNOUNCEMENT: If you have donations that you don't want to save for the rummage sale, please consider donating them to the Community Aid store using Partnership #10372.

Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Please join us for our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner. It is open to the community. All are welcome here. Almost 300 meals were served in 2022 with leftovers going to Stop the Violence in Harrisburg. We couldn't do it without our volunteers and those who donated money and turkeys. Thanks to all who make this caring gift possible. One person commented they didn't remember the last time they had a Thanksgiving dinner. It takes a team to live out Matthew 25 and we have a great one.
Cumberland Vista House
a ministry of CROSS (Christian Residential Opportunities and Social
Services) that provides a homelike environment for adults with
developmental disabilities. CROSS runs three homes: Grace Home in
Shippensburg, Griffith Home in St. Thomas, and Cumberland Vista in
Dillsburg. Between the three, CROSS cares for 22 residents with
disabilities such as Down syndrome and autism. Various groups from the
church go to Cumberland Vista House for evenings of games and pizza. Each Wednesday the MPC Presby Peelers travel to Cumberland Vista House to processes fresh vegetables from Oak Grove Farms and the Central PA Foodbank into casseroles and freezer meals for its residents.

Fruitbelt Farmer Christian Ministry
Is a ministry in Adams, Franklin and
Cumberland Counties for migrant workers in the fruit industry to provide
emergency and spiritual care, health kits, warm clothing, blankets,
fellowship and other needs as they arise.

Cumberland valley
Habitat for Humanity
Cumberland Valley Habitat for Humanity (CVHFH) is an affiliate organization of Habitat for Humanity International. CVHFH is a non-profit, ecumenical, grassroots Christian ministry which builds simple, decent, and affordable houses in partnership with families in need, donors and volunteers. Their area is Mechanicsburg to Shippensburg, and they build homes in rural areas. They also help with delinquent mortgages.

Health Ministries of
Christ Lutheran Church
located at 124 South 13th Street in the Allison Hill section of
Harrisburg. It offers free nurse-run drop-in medical, prenatal care,
dental, and urgent care clinics to the people in their neighborhood who
have no health insurance. They also offer English as a Second Language
Classes, have a Hospitality Center, a Free Baby Furniture Bank, a
Durable Medical Goods Bank, and Orthopedic Bank. FaceBook page

Honduras Partnership of the Presbytery of Carlisle
Through the efforts of World Mission, the Honduras Mission Network, and the presbyteries of Arkansas, Carlisle and Tampa Bay, the Rev. Dori Kay Hjalmarson is the mission co-worker to Honduras.

Kindergarten Academy
Clean, dry clothing for kids. Donations provide a change of clothes for kindergarteners who have had an “accident” at school. Boys and girls pants, sweatpants, underwear and socks are provided to the Mechanicsburg Area School District’s Kindergarten Academy.
Deacon's clothing collection - 250 items collected in May 2023

Krislund Camp
Summer Camp & Year-Round Retreat Center - Is
our church camp, owned by the Presbyteries of Carlisle, Huntington, and Northumberland, and is located in Madisonburg, PA, near State College
Nestled on over 800 acres in scenic Centre County, Krislund offers faith-based summer camp programs in addition to year-round conference and retreat facilities. Krislund offers a wide variety of summer camp experiences for all ages, including camps for families and grandparents. Our beautiful conference and retreat facilities are available throughout the year for groups, organizations, businesses and individuals. There's something for everyone at Krislund!

Left Out Organization Program
The Left Out Organization Program (L.O.O.P.) for boyz & girlz where no youth is left out. We truly believe in our youth because they are important too. Dr. Anthony Burnett, Sr. Established L.O.O.P. with the goal in mind, no youth would be left out due to financial barriers. Dr. Burnett or Coach Duke, as he is so affectionately known, believes all youth should have access to fun, safe, structured activities without financial restraints. Dr. Burnett and his wife Melisa dedicate their lives to serving at-risk youth boys and girls ages 6 through 18 years old. The skills offered in the program will prepare the youth for positive social interaction, conflict resolution, interviews for employment, mentoring and much more.
We Encourage Youth to Keep Believing!
Located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Margie’s Love Sunday
Annual drive in February to provide donated canned and boxed groceries to the Stop the Violence food pantry
Deacon's canned food collection
Mechanicsburg Area
Meals on Wheels
Provides one home cooked meal and one cold lunch, three times a week, to the homes of the elderly and home-bound in our community. Volunteers deliver to clients in Hampden, Upper Allen, Lower Allen, and East Pennsboro, and Silver Spring Townships in addition to Mechanicsburg Borough. Fees are charged on a sliding scale with many clients receiving free or assisted meals. MAMOW receives its support from area churches, and service clubs and does not receive federal or state monies.

Medical Benevolence Foundation Fund PC(USA)
• 1-800-547-7627 • 1-281-201-2043
MBF is an international organization associated with the PC(USA) that provides clinics and medical care in underdeveloped countries. They develop sustainable medical communities and infrastructure so the community can share resources and be independent. They partner with church-owned hospitals, clinics, and nursing schools. These church-owned medical facilities are critical to helping break the poverty cycle in developing nations as they provide desperately needed medical care to all – regardless of their ability to pay. Their medical mission model for the 21st century is providing an effective way to build self-sustaining medical ministries in developing countries like Haiti, Malawi, Kenya, DR Congo, and Egypt. MPC has been a partner with them since 1987. Funding from MPC comes from the Forrest Eggleston Fund, who initiated MPC giving to this foundation.

New Hope Ministries
Located in many communities in Central Pennsylvania including Dillsburg, Dover, Enola, Hanover, and Mechanicsburg. We provide our guests assistance with basic needs, such as:
• Food to prevent hunger at all Center locations
• Rent/mortgage to prevent homelessness
• Utilities to keep families safe and warm
• Transportation needs
• Medical needs and referral services to alternate assistance providers
• Mobile food pantry
Counseling and referral services as well as maintaining a children and youth program. New Hope Ministries also offers scholarships for job training, and programs to help people become self-sufficient and stable over the long term.

NEXT Church
A purposeful relational community of Presbyterian leaders whose mission is to strengthen a vibrant and thriving PC(USA) that shares the good news of Jesus Christ in ways that matter to and have impact on Good’s evolving world. Our donation goes to support the mission of Next Church which is to help train clergy.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance enables congregations and mission partners of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crises and catastrophic events. In 2023 we donated the entire proceeds from the Herco Volunteer Program to PDA.

Presbyterian Historical Society
The National Archives of the PC(USA). The Presbyterian Historical Society supports the record-keeping activities of all entities of the Church. For congregations, we carry out that mission by digitizing records; storing records of permanent value; and providing advice on records retention, storage, and preservation.
These resources provide historical background on the Presbyterian and Reformed traditions in America. From a timeline to a denominational family tree to resources on Heritage and Reformation Sunday and our Living History film series, History Online is a great place to start researching topics remotely, for use by individuals, classes, or congregations.

Prison Ministry
From Matthew 25, verse 36: “I was naked, and you gave me clothing, I was sick, and
you took care of me, I was in prison, and you visited me.”
In continuing our commitment to be a Matthew 25
church, MPC members have helped support inmates at the Dauphin County Work
Release Center in Harrisburg since 2018. Calendars are supplied throughout the year to
help keep track of appointments and work schedules, greeting cards are provided
to help keep in touch with family members, Community Aid gift cards are donated to help
purchase clothing and shoes, and a gift bag is given to each person at
Christmas. With the generous support of MPC members, Giant Foods, and The
Hershey Company, and Dental Health of Silver Spring 136 gift bags were delivered in 2022 for distribution on Christmas
Pictured in the photo
taken on Dec. 20, 2022, MPC members and Work Release Center staff pause while
unloading a van full of gift bags.

Ronald McDonald House®
is built on the simple idea that nothing else should matter when a family is focused on the health of their child – not where they can afford to stay, where they will get their next meal or where they will lay their head at night to rest. We also support families through the Ronald McDonald Family Room® and Hospitality Cart at Penn State Children’s Hospital, and the Ronald McDonald Hospitality Kiosk at Penn Medicine Lancaster General Hospital. In 2023 our gifts of snacks helped families concentrate on what is important. We added 3 five-gallon buckets of aluminum tabs and an unknown quantity of glossy paper for the recycle program to help offset the cost of providing a place for families to stay free of charge.
Safe Harbour
Safe Harbour provides a continuum of housing services, from temporary shelter to permanent residence, for those who’ve lost their homes due to foreclosure, joblessness, the death of a loved one, mental health and addiction issues, or a myriad of other circumstances. Temporary shelter includes emergency placement for families and single females who are in desperate need of a secure place to live, in an environment where they can begin rebuilding their lives. They also provide self-enhancement programs for the homeless and potentially homeless single adults and families.

Stop the Violence
A non-profit, grass roots
organization comprised of an all-volunteer staff dedicated to serving
the Harrisburg community and surrounding area’s by helping those
impacted by violence. They provide Counseling for Women of Domestic Violence, Food Pantry, Clothing Bank, Christmas Party for local children, Bike Program and other activities. Eighty-Five children received toys this year.

The Giving Tree
The Giving Tree is a congregation-wide activity that provides Christmas gifts to children via various local organizations. These include Guadenzia’s Delta Community, Allison Hill Community Ministry’s after school program, and Stop the Violence. Gifts are also provided to the adults residing at CROSS - Cumberland Vista. Tags with first name, age & gift request decorate a Christmas tree in the sanctuary. Donors select tags, purchase the gifts and bring them to the church for in-gathering Sunday in early December. Volunteers sort the gifts for delivery to the organizations.

The Tree of Warmth
Annual drive to provide cold weather items to those in need. In the late Fall, a tree is placed outside the sanctuary door to be “decorated” with donated new and gently used hats, gloves, mittens and scarves. The items are available to anyone in need for a period of several weeks, after which the remaining items are given to Stop the Violence and Allison Hill Community Ministry.
Deacon's Tree of Warmth collection