The following organizations are designated by the Mission Committee as beneficiaries of MPC mission giving.
Click on the organization name to find more information.

Carlisle Truckstop Ministry, Inc.
a ministry of the Pennsylvania Council of Churches that serves
thousands of truckers who use I-81 and the PA turnpike and stop at truck
stops at the interchange of these two roads in Carlisle.

quality gently used clothing at an affordable price for individuals and
families. They also serve the community by creating good paying jobs
and provide onsite training and coaching for their employees. They
improve the quality of life for individuals and families in our
community by providing clothing and cash grants directly to the
partnerships formed by churches and nonprofit charitable organizations.
has a Virtual Partnership Agreement with CommunityAid. The donation
center closest to the church is at:
4833 Carlise Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Hours for drive-up donation are 9AM to 6PM Monday through
Please include with your clothing donation a request to
credit your donation to Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church Virtual
Partnership #10372.
ANNOUNCEMENT: If you have donations that you don't want to save for the rummage sale, please consider donating them to the Community Aid store.

Compassion International
a Christ-centered, church-based, child-focused organization whose
mission is to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. Through a
holistic approach to child development, they carefully blend physical,
social, economic and spiritual care together. MPC sponsors a child who
lives in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Cumberland Vista House
a ministry of CROSS (Christian Residential Opportunities and Social
Services) that provides a homelike environment for adults with
developmental disabilities. CROSS runs three homes: Grace Home in
Shippensburg, Griffith Home in St. Thomas, and Cumberland Vista in
Dillsburg. Between the three, CROSS cares for 22 residents with
disabilities such as Down syndrome and autism. Various groups from the
church go to Cumberland Vista House for evenings of games and pizza. Presby Peelers processes donated fresh vegetables for freezing or preparing meals.
Fruitbelt Farmer Christian Ministry
Is a ministry in Adams, Franklin and
Cumberland Counties for migrant workers in the fruit industry to provide
emergency and spiritual care, health kits, warm clothing, blankets,
fellowship and other needs as they arise.

Health Ministries of Christ Lutheran Church
located at 124 South 13th Street in the Allison Hill section of
Harrisburg. It offers free nurse-run drop-in medical, prenatal care,
dental, and urgent care clinics to the people in their neighborhood who
have no health insurance. They also offer English as a Second Language
Classes, have a Hospitality Center, a Free Baby Furniture Bank, a
Durable Medical Goods Bank, and Orthopedic Bank. FaceBook page

Honduras Partnership of the Presbytery of Carlisle
Through the efforts of World Mission, the Honduras Mission Network, and the presbyteries of Arkansas, Carlisle and Tampa Bay, the Rev. Dori Kay Hjalmarson is the mission co-worker to Honduras.

Krislund Camp
our church camp, owned by the Presbyterys of Carlisle, Huntington and
Northumberland, and is located in Madisonburg, PA, near State College.
Mechanicsburg Area Meals on Wheels
Provides one meal a day delivered to the homes of elderly.

Medical Benevolence Foundation
Is an international organization associated with the PC(USA) that provides clinics and medical care in underdeveloped countries.

New Hope Ministries
located in Dillsburg, Dover, Hanover, and Mechanicsburg. It provides
assistance for emergency crisis, rent/mortgage, prescription, medical,
dental, eye care, and transportation. In addition it has a food pantry
and offers counseling and referral services as well as maintaining a
children and youth program. They give out holiday food baskets and
gifts. New Hope Ministries also offers ongoing support and guidance to
help people become self-sufficient and stable over the long term.

NEXT Church
“A purposeful relational community of Presbyterian leaders whose mission
is to strengthen a vibrant and thriving PC(USA) that shares the good
news of Jesus Christ in way that matter to and have impact on Good’s
evolving world.”

Safe Harbour
a long-term shelter at the former James Wilson Hotel on High Street in
Carlisle. Provides housing and self-enhancement programs for the
homeless and potentially homeless single adults and families.

Stop the Violence
Is a non-profit, grass roots
organization comprised of an all volunteer staff dedicated to serving
the Harrisburg community and surrounding area’s by helping those
impacted by violence.